Elected officials use social media to engage with the public and share relevant city information, but sometimes social media interactions can cause unexpected challenges. Join us for an overview on how an elected official’s use of a social media page evolves. We will cover how the use of a social media page differs for personal, campaign, and official use and what type of content is not considered protected speech and can be removed.
After attending this webinar, you will:
- Learn what is considered protected speech.
- Explore when it is safe to remove unprotected content and other best practices for social media use as an elected official.
Thursday, March 20
6 – 7 p.m.
Participating Moderator
Kyle Hartnett, assistant research manager/staff attorney, League of Minnesota Cities
Lisa Needham, staff attorney, League of Minnesota Cities
Mayors and council members
Background Material
Social Media for Elected Officials MemberLearn course
Do you have questions for our team? Please submit them to us ahead of the live broadcast by email (learning@lmc.org) on or before 10 a.m. on Monday, March 17. We will answer as many as we can during the live broadcast and will take questions during the webinar as well.